So I checked one of the items off of my, "Things I want to do before I move" page. I have always wanted to ride my bicycle from mi casa in Loveland to Estes Park. Not sure why I have wanted to do this. It is a good 70 mile round trip, which is a undertaking for sure. I like to push myself and see how much I can take. I used to so it a lot more often, and am enjoying it again in life.
I started off on Thursday at 9:00am with my friend Adam. We started off together but I like to crank and he is more of a spinner. I would wait for him intermittently, but really road my own ride. I love to listen to tunes while I ride and Peter Gabriel, John Mayer and Metallica were my companions on this trip. Sorry Nicole. I cannot help it. . music makes the experience for me.
So it was two and a half hours up. Literally. 7 flat miles and 28 uphill. Sweet. I love my bike for how it handles. It is an old Diamond Back steely frame but it has a lot of gumption and we do well together. I named it the Red Devil. =-) The weather was a little wet and cold, but it kept my temperature down, and made for a good ride up. I really handled myself and my pace well. I actually did a lot better than I thought I would initially. The sun burst out, right when I got to the top and made for a sweet victory. I was all smiles for sure! I grubbed on some Peanut Butter Crackers and waited for Adam.
So little did I know, Loveland/Greeley/Fort Collins was getting fucking punished by weather. Tornado's had touched down all over and wrecked Windsor. Schools went into lock-down and in-general, there was panic all over. If you don't know, we do not usually get this sort of weather and there is NO warning for it. The big guy that ripped through Windsor was 3/4 to a mile wide. Fuck!!
After a bit we headed down and got our fair share. Head wind the whole way down, through all kinds of rain, sleet, Hail and more. Very crazy ride home. I was soaked to the bone and very tired after all that. I got home, chowed some Tacos and passed out for 15 minutes. Then I turned on the news and got an ear full.
All said and done, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Craziness is what make adventures memorable. I love the unknown and look forward to tackling what ever comes my way. Ride On!!
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